
Showing posts from October, 2023

Seeking the Lord at the right time || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

Seeking the Lord at the right time Texts: Isaiah 55:6; Matt.6:33 Essence of Christianity: - Is for believers to be transformed to the nature and character of God - Is to know God and establish a vital relationship with Him - Is to seek God in line with His word Facts to bear in mind - God is the one who sought us first (Luke 19:10) What interests God mostly is your soul Satan seeks only to destroy you - We need to seek Him in response to His redemptive purpose, to deliver us from the hands and the power of the fowler (1 John 4:19) - We must seek Him for our salvation, so that we can maintain an intimate relationship with Him Purpose of seeking Him - It is to key into the agenda of God (1 Chr.16:10-11) - It is to receive the unction to function (Acts 10:38) - It is to be conformed to the nature of God and be in spiritual unity with Him - Everything you need is provided by Him without fail if you seek God - It is to avoid spending eternity separated from Christ - So as to connect to the

Come and see || Dr. D. K. Olukoya

  Come and see Texts: John 1:45-46; Gen. 49:13 Why this question "Can anything good come out of Nazareth? The question that Nathaniel asked is an evil question, an evil cry. - Zebulun in Gen.49:13, the last child of Leah (the wife forced on Jacob), was given the lands on the edge of the seas of Galilee. - Nazareth is one of the towns in Galilee, an insignificant town hidden away in the mountains of Galilee. - This is why Nazareth is a town of no importance among the Galileans, but Our Lord Jesus came out of there unexpectedly. So, we should know that: - Great things can come out of strange places - God can do unexpected things in unexpected places - There's no need to bash ourselves over where we are from, our gender etc. God can do the outmost best with anything and anyone. - Jesus came out of that same nazareth and when Nathaniel doubted, Philip answered come and see. Come and see testimonies are testimonies that: - gave birth to other testimonies - make men to open their mo

A teachable spirit, a pillar for leadership - Part 3 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

A teachable spirit, a pillar for leadership - Part 3 Texts: 1 Peter 5:5, 1 Cor. 2:13-14, Prov. 9:9 Requirements for a teachable spirit: -Teachable mindset This is about attitude, desire to listen, learn and understand Phil. 3:12-16 It's about the process and willingness to learn It is about taking decisions to unlearn the anti-christian line of nature It's the discovery of the truth and readiness to live the truth. It is to be spiritually alive It is by investing your life for the kingdom It can be evaluated by the spiritual routine and your lifestyle It's spiritual disconnection through deliverance It's not how much you can get but how much you can impact. Unteachable mindset is responsible for character disorder, marital turbulence, sexual perversion, laziness, near-success syndrome, lack of favour, poverty etc Questions: - What am I doing for Jesus specifically ? - Am I really investing for the kingdom ? - Is my position in heaven vacant or occupied ? What to do: - R

A teachable spirit, a pillar for leadership - Part 2 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

A teachable spirit, a pillar for leadership - Part 2 Texts: 1 Peter 5:5, 1 Cor. 2:13-14, Prov. 9:9 To be an effective leader, you must: - Lay down all your weaknesses. Don't try to cover any of them lest you become a slave to them. - Be humble, self aware and willing to learn (Prov. 9:9). It demonstrates stronger character than ego. Requirements to becoming teachable: - Revelation and the fear of God (Eccl. 12:13). - Penetrative study of the word of God, in order to know Him and live for Him. - Humility. - Total surrender of the soul unto God. - Admitting that there is still a lot to learn and allowing to be taught. - Not being hasty or harsh no matter the provocations. - Keen interest in the word of God, to grow higher, better, richer and stronger. - Holding fast to the word of God in diligence, in order to get wisdom, virtues and glory (Prov.10:4,13:4) - Readiness to be used by the Holy spirit - Being a humble, aggressive prayer warrior What teachable spirit can result to : 1. De

A teachable spirit, a pillar for leadership - Part 1 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

A teachable spirit, a pillar for leadership - Part 1 Texts: 1 Peter 5:5, 1 Cor. 2:13-14, Prov. 9:9 Pillar - The power that sustains and retains Pillars of effective leadership 1. The pillar of Integrity 2. The pillar of accountability 3. The pillar of learning 4. The pillar of communication (ability to successfully influence and support a team, so that they can grow and succeed) Jesus's type of leadership was characterized with: - Compassion - Love - Servanthood - Humility John 8:3-11 Lessons to learn from Jesus: 1. Condemn no one 2. Judge yourself first before judging others 3. Don't deny your sin, confess it, denounce it, and come out of it. Sermon excerpts from  Sunday, 11/06/2023 Sermon by: Pastor Victor Mbukpa

Glorious Sunday Service || Prayer Points || Sunday, 08/10/2023

Bible reading: Matthew 19:1-12 Confession: Psalm 116:1-19 1. I plug myself into the socket of holiness and righteousness, in the name of Jesus. 2. O Lord, empower me by Your grace to live a holy life, in the name of Jesus 3. Every enemy of holiness in my life, die by fire, in the name of Jesus 4. O Lord, give me victory over all carnality, in the name of Jesus 5. O Lord, let power for holiness and righteous living fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus 6. Environmental powers limiting my progress, die, in the name of Jesus. 7. Every spirit of witchcraft in me, that is causing destruction, in this church, in my family, you are a liar, die, in the name of Jesus 8. Powers of the night, assigned against my moving forward, you are a liar, die, in the name of Jesus 9. Listen to me all you enemies, no fake counsel in my life, in the name of Jesus 10. Any power anywhere, using the hour of the night to afflict my life, die by fire, in the name of Jesus 11. Every evil deposit in my life, that

That thou mightest receive thy sight - Part 3 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

That thou mightest receive thy sight - Part 3 Texts: Acts 9:17-19 Facts - There are powers whose agenda is to downgrade a person - There are powers whose agenda is to steal their sight so as to darken their destiny - Strange powers are assigned to remove someone from a place of honor to a place of dishonor - Spiritual blindness can lead to someone living a meaningless life till they die - Your spiritual garment is of great significance in heaven as it depicts your connection with God - Spiritually blind people can be born again but still hooked to sins they ignore and downplay. What are the powers to receive thy sight ? - It is the power of revival with transformation - It is the power that converts a sinner to carry the glory of God - It is the power to having a joyful spirit (Luke 1:47) - It is the power to adopt a strong spirit (Luke 2:40) - It is the power that enables you to overcome the spirit of fear and embrace the spirit of love and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7) - It is the power

Spending time with wrong people - Part 4 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

    Spending time with the wrong people 4 Texts: Psalms 109:1-5 Effects of wrong friendships: - Causes contamination (Isaiah 52:11) - Causes defilement (Mark 7:21-23) - Causes stagnancy (1 Tim. 4:1) - Causes frustration (Prov. 3:6) - Causes setbacks (Rom. 12:2) - Causes unexplainable harships - Causes unfruitfulness (Psalms 78:46) - Causes hardships - Brings about iron like grounds (Deut. 28:23) - Brings about brass like heaven (Deut. 28:23) - Causes Unexplainable wastage (Matt. 25:1) - Brings about death (Luke 16:23-24) etc. Sermon excerpts from Tueday, 05/10/2023 Sermon by: Pastor Victor Mbukpa

Revival Service || Prayer Points || Thursday, 05/10/2023

  Revival Service - Prayer Points Bible Reading: 2 Cor 1:1-24 1. Every evil eyes monitoring me day by day, receive blindness, in the name of Jesus. 2. Communication lines of darkness, break, in the name of Jesus 3. Every domestic hidden enemy, loose your powers, in the name of Jesus 4. Every evil family pattern that my life is following, I recover from it, in the name of Jesus 5. Organization of the wicked shouting my name, die, in the name of Jesus 6. Powers that are destroying my life, wherever you are, destroy yourselves, in the name of Jesus. 7. O God my Father, make me a hearer and doer of your word, in the name of Jesus 8. O God arise, advertise your power in my life, in the name of Jesus 9. O God my Father, do something new in my life, in the name of Jesus 10. My blessings stolen from me by the powers of the night, come back to me now, in the name of Jesus 11. Where is the Lord God of Elijah, arise, recover my stolen promotion, in the name of Jesus 12. Problems assigned to swall

Spending time with wrong people - Part 3 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

   Spending time with the wrong people 3 Texts: 1 Cor. 15:33-34 What are the characteristics of Christian friends - A christian friend is committed to doing various godly, good things for others - A christian friend devotes time for others - A christian friend prays for their friend - A christian friend is loyal - A christian friend always forgive - A christian friend is a peace maker - A christian friend encourage others in doing good and not evil etc Note: Unseen forces might try to connect you to the wrong people. Wrong friendships cages you from various breakthroughs and growth that God has designed for you Be careful and very cautious of who you associate yourself with lest you end up a wasted life! Sermon excerpts from Tueday, 03/10/2023 Sermon by: Pastor Victor Mbukpa

Spiritual Clinic || Prayer Points || Tuesday, 03/10/2023

Tuesday, 03/10/2023 Prayer Points 1. Organization of the wicked, shouting my name die, in the name of Jesus. 2. Organization of the wicked, shouting my name die , in the name of Jesus 3. Environmental witchcraft die, in the name of Jesus 4. Satanic native board in my father house catch fire, in the name of Jesus 5. Blood of Jesus answer them that want me for evil, in the name of Jesus 6. Every charm targeted against me backe fire, in the name of Jesus. 7. Holy ghost and fire purses my enemy to death, in the name of Jesus 8. O God my father arise and do wonderful in my life , in the name of Jesus 9. Family bondages in my life die , in the name of Jesus 10. Every evil plan against my glory scatter, in the name of Jesus 11. Wicked enemies that are assigned to tie my life apart tie them apart, in the name of Jesus 12. O God arise with your battle axe and cut down every evil tree, in the name of Jesus 13. Powers sitting on my destiny be unsated today, in the name of Jesus 14. Arrows of ench

Glorious Sunday Service || Prayer Points || Sunday, 01/10/2023

  Bible reading: Isaiah 25:1-12 Confession: Psalms 118:1-29 1. Any power that is waiting for me at the gate of my breakthroughs to destroy me, die, in the name of Jesus. 2. Heaven over the month of October, open, in the name of Jesus 3. Miracles that have never happened in our lives will happen today, in the name of Jesus 4. Wherever my joy has been tied down, Holy Ghost fire, release them to me, in the name of Jesus 5. Every gathering of the wicked against my finances, scatter, in the name of Jesus 6. Powers assigned to lock me up, assigned to lock up my progress, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. 7. Every agenda of darkness for me and my household, today, this week, this month and year, die, in the name of Jesus 8. Strongman diverting my prayers elsewhere, be bound and be destroyed, in the name of Jesus 9. Everything in me that is not giving God glory now, die, in the name of Jesus 10. Every evil deposit in my life that is limiting my success, die, in the name of Jesus 11. Eve

Glorious Sunday Service || Prayer Points || Sunday, 24/09/2023

  Glorious Sunday Service - Prayer Points Prayer Points 1. Every evil powers assigned to kill my destiny , in the name of Jesus. 2. Wall of Jericho blocking my advancement fall down, in the name of Jesus 3. Every word of discouragement going on in this church die, in the name of Jesus 4.Wicked enemies against lion of Judah tear them apart , in the name of Jesus 5. Powers assigned to oppress the kingdom of God die, in the name of Jesus 6. Every enemies of God hiding inside me die, in the name of Jesus. 7. Whatever God have not planted in my head be , in the name of Jesus 8. Powers assigned to use me as a sacrifice die, in the name of Jesus 9. My glory, my virtues in the market of darkness, what are you waiting for? Come out, in the name of Jesus 10. Powers assigned to steal my sight, die, in the name of Jesus 11. Powers holding wicked meetings against my life, your time is up die, in the name of Jesus 12. Every battle against my divine favor, scatter now, in the name of Jesus 13. Inter

That thou mightest receive thy sight - Part 2

That thou mightest receive thy sight - Part 2 Texts: Acts 9:17-19 Facts to Know: - You are the only one who can decide to save or destroy your soul - In the market square of life, there are demonic, wicked powers whose agenda is to look for souls and lives to wreck. - The tragedy of any man is to be called by God but is spiritually blind. Hence, they work for God with great fatigue or never get to fully serve Him. - Spiritual blindness can bring about dishonor How strange powers move someone from a place of honor to a place of dishonor: - When a sightless person, called by God, operates without the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire (Matt. 3:11) - When a sightless person, that is carrying a glorious destiny, goes about with dirt in his garment (Zachariah 3:3) Your garment signifies- Your blessing and your protection Your commitment to God Your faithfulness to God - When a sightless person, claims to be holy but engages in immorality (Romans 13:12) - When a sightless person can be proph

That thou mightest receive thy sight - Part 1

  That thou mightest receive thy sight - Part 1 - Act 9:17-19 Facts: - Many are walking in the market of life without eyes (their spiritual eyes) - It is a tragedy for you as a Christian to walk in life and you not have your spiritual eyes active - Your whole life will be at stake if that is your case - A market is a place of meeting for both the buyer and the seller - There are wicked agents in the world searching for the souls of men to purchase in the market place of life - There are marine powers searching for blind glorious destinies - There are powers assigned to puncher the destinies of people - There are wicked powers striving to downgrade the life of people - There are wicked powers who go about looking for those whose eyes have been stolen - There are those whose eyes have been destroyed by ancestral powers Sermon excerpts from  Sunday, 24/09/2023 Sermon by: Pastor Victor Mbukpa