A teachable spirit, a pillar for leadership - Part 1 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

A teachable spirit, a pillar for leadership - Part 1

Texts: 1 Peter 5:5, 1 Cor. 2:13-14, Prov. 9:9

Pillar - The power that sustains and retains
Pillars of effective leadership

1. The pillar of Integrity
2. The pillar of accountability
3. The pillar of learning
4. The pillar of communication (ability to successfully influence and support a team, so that they can grow and succeed)
Jesus's type of leadership was characterized with:
- Compassion
- Love
- Servanthood
- Humility
John 8:3-11
Lessons to learn from Jesus:
1. Condemn no one
2. Judge yourself first before judging others
3. Don't deny your sin, confess it, denounce it, and come out of it.

Sermon excerpts from Sunday, 11/06/2023
Sermon by:
Pastor Victor Mbukpa


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