Seeking the Lord at the right time || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

Seeking the Lord at the right time

Texts: Isaiah 55:6; Matt.6:33

Essence of Christianity:
- Is for believers to be transformed to the nature and character of God
- Is to know God and establish a vital relationship with Him
- Is to seek God in line with His word

Facts to bear in mind
- God is the one who sought us first (Luke 19:10)

What interests God mostly is your soul
Satan seeks only to destroy you
- We need to seek Him in response to His redemptive purpose, to deliver us from the hands and the power of the fowler (1 John 4:19)
- We must seek Him for our salvation, so that we can maintain an intimate relationship with Him

Purpose of seeking Him
- It is to key into the agenda of God (1 Chr.16:10-11)
- It is to receive the unction to function (Acts 10:38)
- It is to be conformed to the nature of God and be in spiritual unity with Him
- Everything you need is provided by Him without fail if you seek God
- It is to avoid spending eternity separated from Christ
- So as to connect to the source of the ultimate power (Phil.2:9, Gal. 5:16)
a. Through His word (Heb:4:12)
b. Through His blood (Heb. 9:22)

Sermon excerpts from Tuesday, 10/10/2023
Sermon by:
Pastor Victor Mbukpa


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