That thou mightest receive thy sight - Part 2

That thou mightest receive thy sight - Part 2

Acts 9:17-19
Facts to Know:
- You are the only one who can decide to save or destroy your soul
- In the market square of life, there are demonic, wicked powers whose agenda is to look for souls and lives to wreck.
- The tragedy of any man is to be called by God but is spiritually blind. Hence, they work for God with great fatigue or never get to fully serve Him.
- Spiritual blindness can bring about dishonor
How strange powers move someone from a place of honor to a place of dishonor:
- When a sightless person, called by God, operates without the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire (Matt. 3:11)
- When a sightless person, that is carrying a glorious destiny, goes about with dirt in his garment (Zachariah 3:3)
Your garment signifies-
Your blessing and your protection
Your commitment to God
Your faithfulness to God
- When a sightless person, claims to be holy but engages in immorality (Romans 13:12)
- When a sightless person can be prophesying and curse and abuse at the same time (Prov.10:11)
- When a sightless person sings and the spirit of God comes down, but the next second, gets angry
- When a sightless person, though be born again, still tell lies (even the little white lies)
There are kinds of liars, for example,
Compulsive liars (they are happy when they lie)
Prolific liars (they lie frequently) etc.
How to recover your sight :
- By having a contrite spirit (Psalm 51:17 )
- By approaching the word of God with a lowly life (Prov. 29:23)
- By approaching the throne of grace with a humble spirit (Prov. 29:23)
- By having a gentle spirit (Numbers 12:3)
- By having a quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:4)
- By hearing the word of God in the root of your life
- By hearing the word of God
- By hearing the word of God and practicing it
- By hearing the word of God and having a quiet time with God always
- By hearing the word of God, believing it and working towards it

Sermon excerpts from Sunday, 01/10/2023
Sermon by:
Pastor Victor Mbukpa


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