A teachable spirit, a pillar for leadership - Part 2 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

A teachable spirit, a pillar for leadership - Part 2

Texts: 1 Peter 5:5, 1 Cor. 2:13-14, Prov. 9:9

To be an effective leader, you must:
- Lay down all your weaknesses. Don't try to cover any of them lest you become a slave to them.
- Be humble, self aware and willing to learn (Prov. 9:9).
It demonstrates stronger character than ego.

Requirements to becoming teachable:
- Revelation and the fear of God (Eccl. 12:13).
- Penetrative study of the word of God, in order to know Him and live for Him.
- Humility.
- Total surrender of the soul unto God.
- Admitting that there is still a lot to learn and allowing to be taught.
- Not being hasty or harsh no matter the provocations.
- Keen interest in the word of God, to grow higher, better, richer and stronger.
- Holding fast to the word of God in diligence, in order to get wisdom, virtues and glory (Prov.10:4,13:4)
- Readiness to be used by the Holy spirit
- Being a humble, aggressive prayer warrior

What teachable spirit can result to :
1. Deliverance
2. Miracle that moves destiny forward

Sermon excerpts from Sunday, 18/06/2023
Sermon by:
Pastor Victor Mbukpa


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