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How Jesus resisted temptations || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

How Jesus resisted temptations   Title: How Jesus resisted temptations Summary of what Jesus did when He was tempted 1. Resisted the devil, the flesh and the world What the devil sought to do 1. Make Him turn stone to bread and tested the veracity of His sonship Question to answer for yourself - Do I spend time only my desires - Do I gossip? - Am I jealous? - Do I view pornography? - Do I live a compulsively life? - Do I cheat? - D I ngage in alcohol? How did Jesus overcome the temptations? 1. By the knowledge of the scriptures (this is the reason why deepening your knowledge in the word of God is necessary as a child of God) How do you avoid temptations? 1. Avoid and environment where you are easily tempted - Don't do as the wicked does. - Move away from areas where the ungodly are. - Being tempted is not a sin, it is the "falling for it" that is what is sin. 2. When facing temptation jump away quickly. 3. Replace temptation thoughts with godly thoughts. 4. Pray for God

Disgracing the power of the oppressor 4 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

Disgracing the power of the oppressor 4 The power of the Oppressor: - Is a faith manipulator - Is a destiny diverter - Is a progress arrester - Is a glory killer But, you can neutralize those powers (Acts 13:4-12) Instruments they use: 1. Sin 2. Disobedience 3. Ignorance to the word of god 4. Prayerlessness 5. Idolatry 6. Unguarded utterances 7. Corrupt communication 8. backsliding 9. blasphemy How to disgrace them: - By turning your back to your past failures - By looking up to Jesus for strength and grace - By not entangling with the affairs of this word - Becoming a bible addict - By enjoying the fellowship of the saints - By knowing really who God is - By having a personal relationship with God - By connecting to God always - By reaching out to the lost souls - By worshipping god in spirit and in truth - Growing spiritually in all areas - By pulling the evil platform put up by your ancestors - By instant obedience - By obeying totally the word of God etc Continues... When God is gi

Night Vigil || Prayer Points || Friday, 08/12/2023

Night Vigil - Prayer Points Prayer Points 1. My Father, bless me with your blessings, in the name of Jesus. 2. Powers that says nothing good will come out of my life, you are liars, die, in the name of Jesus 3. O Lord God of Elijah, grant me financial breakthrough of come and see, in the name of Jesus 4. Every satanic obstacles on my way, you are liars, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus 5. Every cycle of repeated problems in my foundation, in my destiny, in this church, you are liars, break, in the name of Jesus 6. Every arrow of satanic attack fired against me, this church, you are liars, go back to your sender, in the name of Jesus. 7. Every strongman of my life, foundation, this church, my destiny, you are a liar, be bound, in the name of Jesus 8. Powers that want to stop me from following Christ, in order to hinder my spiritual breakthrough, you are liars, die, in the name of Jesus 9. Strongman delegated by satan over my life, be disgraced and die, in the name of Jesus 10. Powers

The power of a true believer || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

The power of a true believer Text: Acts 11:21-27 A true believer: - is a person who has commited the totality of his life for the goal of heaven (Mark 1:16-18) The only way to do this is to first and foremost repent. Blessings for a true believer: 1. To know the purpose of God for their life (Jer. 29:11) 2. They have a clear direction from God because they trust God and lean not on their own understanding (Prov. 3:5-6) 3. They receive strength from God (Phil. 4:13) 4. They are competent, because they have power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7) 5. Peace (Matt 11:29) 6. Satisfaction (Ps. 37:4) 7. Power (John 14:12) 8. Relationship with God, other Christian believers (Rev. 3:20) 9. Eternal life (Job 17:3) 10. Legacy (Deut. 7:9) Sermon excerpts from  Friday, 08/12/2023 Sermon by: Pastor Victor Mbukpa

How to recover your identity (continued) || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

  How to recover your identity (continued) 5. By the knowledge to see yourself as God sees you That knowledge is switched on by reading the word of God. Facts to know about identity: 1. The people you surround yourself with, will make a mark in your identity (1 Samuel 10:11, 19:20-24) 2. A healthy identity empowers function 3. A false identity will cause a person to bury their God-given talent Buried talents leads to infidelity and disloyalty. 4. Your identity impacts what you do, how you do it, who you do it with. 6. Through deliverance (Titus 3:5) a. Spirit- The Holy spirit delivers you (1 Cor. 6:7 Col.1:27) b. Soul- This is the real you (2 Cor. 4:16, Romans 12:1-2) c. We as Christians are yet to be delivered in body (1 Cor. 15:52, Phil. 3:21) Sermon excerpts from  Tuesday, 07/12/2023 Sermon by: Pastor Victor Mbukpa

What are the marks of a christians || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

What are the marks of a christian Facts: What are the benefict of a christians beliver Text: Psalms 36:7-9 1) Is to glorify God when you carry the glory of God you enjoy it 2) Forgiveness of sin 3) Freedom from the power of sin 4) Receving the batisim of the Holy spirit 5) The holy ghost fire What is holy ghost fire? 1) You must be ready to clean every sin from your garment 2) Exercise your fate with it 3) Fire represent the holy spirit 6) Identity of a Christian believer Sermon excerpts from  Tuesday, 14/11/2023 Sermon by: Pastor Victor Mbukpa

Standing on the crossroad of change - Part 2 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

Standing on the cross road of change - Part 2 Texts: Jer. 6:16; Isaiah 43:18-19 - The greatest tragedy that can happen to any christian is to come to the house of God and go back empty without any power - You cannot do without the power (the enemy can see when a person has power or not) - When the enemy discovers that a person does not have power, he makes a nonsense of that person's christianity. - The person can dress as elegant as he/she wants but the enemy can see he/she is empty - God Himself hates ignorance - There are times in a person's life in which he/she comes to a crossroad (great challenges) - These challenges can lead the person either to a crossroad or to the cross of Christ - Even intellectuals at times get into problem that lead them to witch doctors - The devil has no free gift and he is happy when you miss your road A crossroad is: - When you leave on place/way for another - When a person changes direction (physically or spiritually) - It is an intersection