Disgracing the power of the oppressor 4 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

Disgracing the power of the oppressor 4

The power of the Oppressor:
- Is a faith manipulator
- Is a destiny diverter
- Is a progress arrester
- Is a glory killer
But, you can neutralize those powers (Acts 13:4-12)
Instruments they use:
1. Sin
2. Disobedience
3. Ignorance to the word of god
4. Prayerlessness
5. Idolatry
6. Unguarded utterances
7. Corrupt communication
8. backsliding
9. blasphemy
How to disgrace them:
- By turning your back to your past failures
- By looking up to Jesus for strength and grace
- By not entangling with the affairs of this word
- Becoming a bible addict
- By enjoying the fellowship of the saints
- By knowing really who God is
- By having a personal relationship with God
- By connecting to God always
- By reaching out to the lost souls
- By worshipping god in spirit and in truth
- Growing spiritually in all areas
- By pulling the evil platform put up by your ancestors
- By instant obedience
- By obeying totally the word of God etc
When God is giving you a test , he wants to:
a. Promote you
b. Elevate you
c. Put you in the path of your divine purpose
What to do:
- Genuine repentance
- Forsake your sins
- Walk in the way of Christ
- Be a bible addict
- Be sober and be vigilant (2 Cor. 2:11, 1 Peter 5:8)
- Follow Christ on a daily basis (2 Tim. 2:2)
- You must learn God's word so as to live in total obedience
- You must work in this same faith as christ
Examples of those who succeeded:
1. Abraham (Gen. 22:11-13)
God called him. It was a call for obedience, loyalty
2. Moses (Exodus 3:4)
God called him to go to Pharaoh and release His people.
3. Jacob (Gen. 46:2-3)
God called him from being a father of twelve to be a father of a nation
4. Samuel ...

Sermon excerpts from Sunday, 10/12/2023
Sermon by: Pastor Victor Mbukpa


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