How Jesus resisted temptations || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

How Jesus resisted temptations

 Title:How Jesus resisted temptations

Summary of what Jesus did when He was tempted
1. Resisted the devil, the flesh and the world
What the devil sought to do
1. Make Him turn stone to bread and tested the veracity of His sonship
Question to answer for yourself
- Do I spend time only my desires
- Do I gossip?
- Am I jealous?
- Do I view pornography?
- Do I live a compulsively life?
- Do I cheat?
- D I ngage in alcohol?
How did Jesus overcome the temptations?
1. By the knowledge of the scriptures (this is the reason why deepening your knowledge in the word of God is necessary as a child of God)
How do you avoid temptations?
1. Avoid and environment where you are easily tempted
- Don't do as the wicked does.
- Move away from areas where the ungodly are.
- Being tempted is not a sin, it is the "falling for it" that is what is sin.
2. When facing temptation jump away quickly.
3. Replace temptation thoughts with godly thoughts.
4. Pray for God to help you.
5. By consistent and persistent obedience.
1. By being simplistic.
2. In humility.
3. In meekness.
4. By mortification of your flesh.
5. Be zealous towards the things of God.

Sermon excerpts from Sunday, 14/12/2023
Sermon by: Pastor Victor Mbukpa


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