Standing on the crossroad of change - Part 2 || Pastor Victor Mbukpa

Standing on the cross road of change - Part 2

Texts: Jer. 6:16; Isaiah 43:18-19
- The greatest tragedy that can happen to any christian is to come to the house of God and go back empty without any power
- You cannot do without the power (the enemy can see when a person has power or not)
- When the enemy discovers that a person does not have power, he makes a nonsense of that person's christianity.
- The person can dress as elegant as he/she wants but the enemy can see he/she is empty
- God Himself hates ignorance
- There are times in a person's life in which he/she comes to a crossroad (great challenges)
- These challenges can lead the person either to a crossroad or to the cross of Christ
- Even intellectuals at times get into problem that lead them to witch doctors
- The devil has no free gift and he is happy when you miss your road
A crossroad is:
- When you leave on place/way for another
- When a person changes direction (physically or spiritually)
- It is an intersection of two important roads at which you have to chose the correct one
- It is a time of crisis
- A turning point of a man's life
- A mythology where spirits tend to congregate
How do you stand at the cross road of change?
- By shaking off chains of regret
- By shaking and breaking the chains of fear and limitation
- By shaking off the burden of unforgiveness
Major root cause of unforgiveness:
- Ungodly pride
- Self Righteousness
- These 2 causes are ravaging and destroying the people of God and the church of God
What is the way of the cross?
1. It is a reminder of the vast love of God (Rom. 5:8)
2. It is a covenant of commitment and salvation
Don't make mistakes and think that your salvation is already acquired, nobody can boast of such.
Your salvation is something you must work on day and night
3. It is a place of separation from sin.
4. It is the way of power (power to conquer sin and death - Gal. 3:13)
Facts about curses?
- Proverbs 26:2
1. A curse is a terrible thing
2. Curses are difficult to break because they go with an evil objective
3. They oppress progress, prosperity achievement, good success,
- They outlive their victims (they can be generational, inherited, family, foundational, personal, etc) and many people go about with some of these curses
- They are the opposite of blessing
- It is the blood of Jesus that is capable of breaking and freeing them from your life
4. It is not all prayers that can break a curse
5. At times there are mere phrases that represent self-imposed curses (eg.: "This my sickness", "I can't take it anymore", "I can't make it", etc)
6. Other times there are phrase that proceed from other people and they are actually coded curses (eg.: "You might as well be dead", "get lost", etc)
7. At times they are words pronounced by people around you, they can even be your parents or relatives.
8. There are incantations (these too are also curses from witchcraft powers)
9. There are sacrificial sacrifices (they use blood to make these sacrifices)
10. Caging curses (Going to worship centres with deceptive prophets)
11. Curses of witchcraft
For all these is it the way of the cross of Jesus that can liberate a person from them
- People are carrying curse upon their heads that they don't even know
1. Every witchcraft material in my body die, in the name of Jesus
2. Environmental witchcraft programmed to drink my blood die, in the name of Jesus
3. Oh God arise, appear in my battle front in the name of Jesus
4. All ancestral powers stagnating my life
5. You spirit of non-achievements in my life, I cast you out in the name of Jesus
6. Every evil load of strange objects in my body, disappear in the name of Jesus
7. Oh God arise and lift me up by your power, in the name of Jesus

Sermon excerpts from Tuesday, 22/10/2023
Sermon by:
Pastor Victor Mbukpa


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